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this year he seems to Cl11234566 0 66 30.10.2019 08:26
drive the Pacers past the Cl11234566 0 60 30.10.2019 08:26
fear of being suspended by Cl11234566 0 58 30.10.2019 08:26
Danny Willett fired a final Cl11234566 0 73 30.10.2019 08:26
Freeman threw for Cl11234566 0 58 30.10.2019 08:25
October 1994 through July Cl11234566 0 63 30.10.2019 08:25
Adrian Mannarino wangz10 0 77 18.09.2019 09:51
ugly and costly wangz10 0 75 18.09.2019 09:51
Montreal Canadiens wangz10 0 70 18.09.2019 09:51
Nat Borchers wangz10 0 58 18.09.2019 09:50
Vapormax Plus wangz10 0 73 18.09.2019 09:50
Jim Furyk wangz10 0 77 18.09.2019 09:50
Jones Dome wangz10 0 58 18.09.2019 09:50
Pau Gasols wangz10 0 76 18.09.2019 09:50
Edmonton Rush wangz10 0 83 18.09.2019 09:49
season hanging by a thread wangz10 0 76 18.09.2019 09:49
Breeders Cup wangz10 0 64 18.09.2019 09:49
Costa Rican wangz10 0 67 18.09.2019 09:47
The America East wangz10 0 67 18.09.2019 09:47
Lorie Kane wangz10 0 78 18.09.2019 09:47
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